Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The ten tips for success in sports...divert trivia.

Here a few tips...

1. Very young people should not put extreme forces on their spines and joints. Early gymnastics with large ranges of movement may give problems later.

2. If you are hypermobile (very bendy or "double jointed"), think very carefully about engaging in contact sports. Your joints are more vulnerable to injury and your muscles less able to control their movements to keep them safe from damage. I know someone whose joints are so lax that dancing is a risky activity!

3. Choose an activity to suit your physical type. Impact sports may not suit a high body weight, and a poorly coordinated person might not choose a complex contact sport. High level sport is not for everyone, no matter how much they want to participate.

4. If you get injured, get a proper diagnosis from a qualified person and follow the treatment plan. Do not be tempted to go back to the activity until you are completely recovered and have regained your fitness. Otherwise re-injury is likely.

5. If you have a serious (or repeated) injury to your spine or one of your joints, consider giving up the activity responsible and taking up some other, more appropriate, pursuit.

6. Take the advice of a competent physical therapist if your problem persists.

7. Moderate level exercise, such as brisk walking, can give you all the health benefits without the injury risks of more extreme sports.

8. Consider whether or not to encourage children strongly to be competitive in sports where they can get injured.

9. Don't just start a new sport straight off, work up your fitness and participation until your physical condition and skill are good enough to avoid injury. Be particularly aware of this at the times of the year when sports and other activities may start and you are least used to them.

10. Remember that fitness is very specific to the sport you are used to. Don't expect your fitness to transfer to a very different activity, or you may get muscle soreness or injury. For every new activity, you need to start again with your fitness.

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